Monthly objectives - November 2021

Things I aim to achieve in november 2021

Since I decided to code with the end goal to become a frontend developer, I followed many courses and tutorials, but so far I haven't build many things by myself. This is what I want to work on this month: "mettre la théorie en pratique" so that I can be fully comfortable using HTML, CSS and JavaScript vanilla.

Courses and tutorials

I know, I know, I just said I wanted to escape "Tutorial Hell", and I do. However, I wish to finish the Bootcamp I started in october; I have troubles with JavaScript and Ania Kubòw's bootcamp has been really usefull in that regard.

Furthermore, there is this course "Concevez un contenu web accessible" on Openclassrooms that I wish to follow. It's about building websites that are accessible for as many people as possible. You can also see the website "A resource that provides guidance for designing ethically humane digital products through patterns focused on user well-being."

Regarding tutorials you can check my YouTube channel: I saved a few playlists with cool CSS tricks you may want to try.

Building projects

The Internet is vast and the number of resources to chose from can freeze us into inaction - "where am I supposed to start?" - which is why, for now, I've decided to stick with the challenges on Frontend Mentor. I'm aware there are other websites offering more or less the same concept and I fully plan on trying them later on once I am more settled with the basics. Here are the four projects I plan on doing this month:
  • Stat preview card (HTML & CSS)
  • 3-column preview card (HTML & CSS)
  • Profile card (HTML & CSS)
  • FAQ accordion (HTML, CSS, JS)
Those challenges are free and have the difficulty level "Newbie". I hope to achieve them fairly easily and maybe do some more. We will see at the end of the month how it went.

In summary, november 2021 will be about:

  • Finishing the bootcamp I started in october.
  • Following the course on building accessible websites.
  • Doing four challenges (minimum) from Frontend Mentor.

What plans do you have for this month?
