Monthly objectives - December 2021

What is planned for december 2021

This month I want to wrap up the basics. Meaning that by the end of the month, I will be fully comfortable with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and that, starting next year, I can learn things that are completely new for me, like API and React.

November was about building projects by myself so that I could apply what I've had learn in various courses and gain confidence in my coding abilities. November was productive and I intent to keep this energy in december. 

See: Monthly overview - November 2021

Photo aérienne d'arbres couverts de neige


Here are the courses I will take in december. On OpenClassrooms:
  • "Créez une maquette pour le développement web" (create a mock-up for web development): a course to learn how to use Figma.
  • "Simplifiez-vous le CSS avec Sass" (simplify CSS with Sass): course on how to use and install Sass. I started this course back in october, then decided halfway to put it on hold: I wasn't applying any of the things I was learning in CSS, and I still hadn't code anything on my own. A break was necessary. Now I know is a perfect time to wrap up this course and start using Sass when I do challenges.
  • "Créez des animations CSS modernes" (create modern animations with CSS): a course to learn about the potential CSS has and all the things that can be done without even using JavaScript.
  • "Codez un site web accessible avec HTML & CSS" (code a accessible website with HTML & CSS): this course directly follows the one I took last month on how to create accessible web content for users who use assistive technologies.
It may seem like a lot, but, as you can see, each of these courses will be more than useful in the long run.

I also plan to take the series of courses on "JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures". Now, why am I still taking another course on JavaScript?

  • I already did the courses on the Grasshopper app in august
  • I followed the two JavaScript courses on OpenClassrooms in september
  • Plus, in october, the bootcamp (and a few game tutorials); bootcamp that I finished in november.

Why not build real projects?

The truth is: I am not comfortable using JavaScript yet. I tried with the FAQ accordion challenge, and failed. The thing is, I understand how it works. I have no problems whatsoever following the logic when I code along a tutorial on how to build a game on YouTube. But as for now, I can't redo any of these games on my own. My brain just freeze.

I know I will eventually succeed. I have no doubt on it. However, we all progress at a different pace, and right now I know I need to do smaller exercises before moving on to bigger projects.

Projects I want to build

Speaking of projects, in december I decided to reduce the number of Frontend Mentor challenges I would take on by half. Given the several courses I have to follow, I don't want to bit off more than what I can chew. The challenges I want to do are:
  • NFT preview card (HTML & CSS)
  • Social proof section (HTML & CSS)
I would like to use Sass with these, so I will have to finish the course beforehand. Those challenges are free and have the difficulty level "Newbie".

In summary, december 2021 objectives are:

  • Finishing all courses
  • Doing two Frontend Mentor challenges (at least)

What do you have planned for the last month of 2021?
